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aloe vera for beauty

Aloe vera is famous for making the hair becomes soft, so beautifulPerhaps these benefits we have heard since childhood, we are often advised to use aloe vera for beautiful hair. That's why a lot of shampoo use aloe vera extract in their products. The benefit is obtained from the content of glyco proteins.When you have this plant at home, you can use it in a way to peel his skin and then rub the meat to the scalp and hair to become fertile and beautiful hair. so you can use aloe vera as home herbal remedies, especially for beauty.

Lignin is the content contained in Aloe vera leaves. it is useful to keep the skin moist so that the skin does not become dry and supple, also useful for preventing the occurrence of skin allergies in the wearer. Coupled with the content of anthraquinone and the amino acids that would be very useful for skin because it helps the skin to instantly update itself to produce new cells and to remove dead skin cells. Meat from the leaves of Aloe vera also has similar acidity to that of humans and is able to penetrate well into the body. it also contains saponins that have function as an anti-bacterial and anti fungal. The use regularly can make your skin look healthy and beautiful glow. You can also use aloe vera as a face mask,because it also contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging. (Antioxidants in aloe vera for our health)

Cool effect of aloe vera jelly can be a first aid when you are suffering from severe burns or scalded. it Can also be used for sore skin due to excessive sun. Simply paste the flesh of aloe vera on the injured area. The cold produced from the aloe vera will help the healing process.

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