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indonesian herbal plants

indonesia is rich for herbal plant that indonesian people usually use them as traditional medicine or herbal remedies. and now, those plants are also usually used for modern medicine that use herbal plant as its core composition. below are the example of indonesian herbal plants, and they will be described one by one in detail in other articles:

empuyang Emprit = Zingiber Amaricans 
Kunyit = Curcuma Longa 
Sambiloto = Andrographis Paniculata 
Pegagan = Centella Asiatica L. = Daun Kaki Kuda 
Temulawak = Curcuma Xanthorhiza Roxb 

Temu Putih = Curcuma Zedoaria 
red onion (bawang Merah)   = Allium Cepa L. 
Daun Kembang Sepatu = Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis 
Bawang Putih = Garlic = Allium Sativum 
Meniran = Phyllanthus Ninuri L. 
Lidah-Buaya = Aloe-Vera L.
Bangle = Zingiber Purpureum Roxb. Purple-Ginger. 
Celery = daun Seledri = Apium Graviolen L. 
Kumis-Kucing (cats whisker) = Orthosiphon Aristatus O. 
Mahkota Dewa = Phaleria Macrocarpa 
Paria = Momordica Charantia L. 
Sambung-Nyawa = Gynura Procumbens L. 
Daun Sendok = Plantago Mayor 
Mengkudu = Noni 
Keladi Tikus = Rodent-Tuber = Typhonium Flagelliforme 

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